A sanctuary of sound for body & spirit

This is your time to relax, reconnect & refresh. 

For Individuals

  • Your private session begins with a consultation with Tina that is followed by a personalized vibrational healing session that will include a spoken-word meditation for connection & grounding, an energy scan that includes a Reiki cleansing and reset of your chakra centers, and a customized vibrational session calibrated to bring harmony and balance to your unique energy signature; session is supported by multiple vibrational instruments such as crystal and Himalayan singing bowls, tuning forks, chimes, tingsha, etc. (some of which are played on and off the body).

    During your session, you can recline comfortably on a therapeutic gem infra-mat to optimize energy rebalancing & healing. Your journey concludes with gentle present-moment grounding and a soothing tea to support your essence & energy recalibration.

    Private sessions are held in Tina’s home healing arts studio in the Iowa City area. For an additional fee, she can travel to another mutually-agreed upon location.

    A Private 1 hour Individual Session begins at $115

  • To support your commitment to deeper health, Tina offers a 4-session intensive vibrational series for individuals. At each session there is a review of life area(s) that you desire to focus on. By setting clear intentions at the beginning of each session, you are ready to enter into a receptive state from which a highly unique sound experience will be crafted for you.

    The sound session begins with you lying comfortably on a therapeutic gem infra-mat and Tina conducting a Reiki body scan to cleanse your energy field. From there, she uses a variety of instruments that can include crystal and Himalayan singing bowls, ocean drum, chimes, tuning forks, and tingshas. You will be amazed by the journey traveled through these healing sounds & vibrations.

    Each 60-minute session includes a consultation with Tina, as well as guidance and suggestions for lifestyle and mindset enhancements, and between session check-ins.

    This series of private sessions is held in Tina’s home healing arts studio in the Iowa City area.

    Series of 4 Private 1 Hour Sessions is $425

    (All 4 sessions must be booked within 4 months)

  • A great benefit of the digital age is the ability to share the benefits of a sound bath via Zoom! You can easily gift yourself with a virtual sound bath that provides a unique way to connect and receive soothing vibrations to relax, become grounded, and feel a deep sense of centered calmness to ease even the most hectic day. Harnessing her skills and experience, Tina will use her voice and variety of sound instruments to meditatively guide you to a place of body-mind-spirit connection.

    $65 per person

  • A certified and registered yoga instructor, Tina develops customized sessions to meet you where you are. Whether you’re curious about yoga and would like to learn about it to exploring ways to introduce movement to support your well-being, Tina offers the benefit to meet in-person for a private session.

    60 Minute: $75

    30 Minute: $40

  • An essential to well-being, a Reiki / Rahanni session provides a resetting of your energy bodies by cleansing vibrational fields. An energetic session identifies areas in need of attention, facilitating a soothing release and restoration to your individual self.

    Private sessions are held in Tina’s home healing arts studio in the Iowa City area. For an additional fee, she can travel to another mutually-agreed upon location.

    30 minutes: $55

Reach out to Tina for a consultation to discover the personalized therapy that best meets your needs.

For Groups

  • For a unique, memory-making experience with a partner or friends, schedule a private sound bath session with Tina. You will find the vibrations of the crystal singing bowls, Himalayan bowls, chimes, ocean drum, tingsha, and various percussive instruments create a unique sense of togetherness, further deepening your bonds with your favorite humans.

    Your personalized sound experience will consist of Tina providing a spoken-word meditation to induce a soothing awareness to relax your body and promote a calm focus on the present moment. Depending on individual preference, she will play bowls directly on (or off) body allowing for vibrations to manifest throughout the energy field. At the conclusion of the session, you will be offered a soothing tea and the opportunity for an oracle card pull.

    These sessions accommodate up to 6 people and are held in Tina’s home healing arts studio in the Iowa City area. For an additional fee, she can travel to another mutually-agreed upon location.

    A Sound Bath is perfect for date night/time with friends/bridal parties/mother-daughter special time … a Unique Gift for Ordinary and Special Occasions.

    $150 for 2; $175 for 3, and $225 for 4-6 people

  • Bring the power of Mindfulness & Sound to your place of work. Your team will enjoy myriad benefits from a customized sound bath that can enhance focus and productivity, foster creativity and communication, along with a renewed sense of connection to the team and workplace. A shared meditative sound bath experience is an investment that creates a lasting bond with your team with the positivity rippling out into the organization. Tina offers sound bath experiences for employees including front-line, management and C-suite.

    Contact Tina for schedule and pricing.


Tina leads regular sound healing events at Heartland Yoga and the Unitarian Universalist Society.

“If you have the opportunity to enjoy a Sound Odyssey with Tina, you will leave with a deep sense of calm and gratitude. 60 minutes with Tina will allow you to unwind with a serene musical bath supported by an inspiring meditation.”
